...A short biography

I was born in the spring, beneath the heavy northern skies, wrapped in their myriad shades of green, while I was raised in the soft light of the south, bathing in the countless blues of the horizon and the sea. Molded from the earth of two worlds, I was lucky enough to experience many realities and this may be why I live my life with the ambition to discover. I am, thus, possessed by the agony to experience and learn as much as I can about this magical world surrounding me.

dog portrait prapa

I passionately seek knowledge, places, music, books, thoughts, images, people and emotions. I like to search and find that small vulnerable spot in people, their tender center of sorts. I have learned (admittedly the hard way) to walk along my light and darkness and to straight-up accept both.

Hence, I am happy, I enjoy, I seek, I see, I look for and into, I love – a lot!

I get passionate, frequently living parallel lives in my head, I sequester, I get jealous, I agonize, I get excited – a lot!

I get easily bored, I am not a perfectionist, I get scared, I stress out, I feel blue.
I take care of things, I exaggerate, I dare, I postpone.

I can be compliant and obey, I disappear, I dissolve and I am easily recomposed.

To sum up –

I Seek and Tread

I passionately asserted painting in my life. It is the tool which extends the senses, the mind and my emotions and the medium to communicate and perceive the world around me in a alleviating manner, which expresses and fulfills me.

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